Deployment with Mesos

Practical introduction to Mesos frameworks

by Dmitriy Volk  @xbo

Why PaaS didn't win

Traditional PaaS tried to do too many things:

  • containerization (app → executable)
  • provisioning of common infrastructure resources
  • coordination
  • provisioning
  • scheduling and execution
  • monitoring and management

Separation of concerns

  • containerization ⇐ containers
  • common infrastructure resources ⇐ containers
  • coordination
  • provisioning
  • scheduling and execution ⇐ Mesos
  • monitoring and management

Commoditization of computing

Virtualization, Cloud, Big Data, etc. abstracts away the execution platform for computing tasks.

Instead of configured machines, all that matters is available resources: CPU, memory, disk, ports.

Apache Mesos

  • “Distributed systems kernel”
  • Execution fabric
  • Turns datacenter into a single pool of resources

Mesos architecture

Mesos Doesn't do much


  • Offers resources to master
  • Launches tasks
  • Reports task status


  • Forwards slaves' offers to frameworks
  • Forwards tasks to slaves
  • Routes messages

What Mesos doesn't do

  • Create task
  • Assign task
  • Enforce task

The real smarts

To make Mesos execute even the simplest task, a framework is required

A framework consists of a Scheduler and and optional Executor


Scheduler is called regularly with the question:
"Here's list of slaves with their resources - do you want them to do anything?"


A specialized framework might want to package common way of launching its tasks into an Executor


Deploying an application using various pieces of Mesos ecosystem.

Usage of Docker and Mesos is indicated for each step

  Didn't use
  Could've used
“I suppose it is tempting, if the only tool you have is a hammer, to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Abraham Maslow

The application

Finally, a truly distributed software system to calculate square roots!

Server holds work items (approximation iterations)

Client checks out a work item and calculates next approximation using Newton's formula:

\[newApproximation = \frac{oldApproximation + \frac{square}{oldApproximation}}{2}\]


    Up and running so far:
  • Three EC2 instances
  • Each instance runs Zookeeper
  • Each instance runs Mesos master
  • Each instance runs Mesos slave
  • Docker repository
  • Eureka server

Demo cluster setup

Deploy Server

SQRT Server is a Spring Boot application

Registers itself in a Eureka server

Exposes Web UI and REST APIs

Typical "long-running" task

Registering with Eureka



public class SqrtServerMain {


        name: sqrt-server


Marathon framework manages long-running tasks on Mesos.

upstart / systemd for the cluster

Makes sure n instances of a task (application) are running in the cluster

Exposes rudimentary UI and rich REST API

Deployed on demo cluster

REST call to Marathon

  "id": "sqrt-server",
  "cmd": "",
  "cpus": 1,
  "instances": 1,
  "mem" : 1024,
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "",
      "network": "HOST"
  "constraints": [
    [ "hostname", "CLUSTER", ""]

Eureka  Sqrt Server UI  Marathon

Client-server interaction

SQRT Client is also a Spring Boot application.

Looks up SQRT Server location in Eureka, checks out a work item, and sends back a new approximation.

Needs some data to start with. Let's input data into the SQRT Server.

Locating server in Eureka



DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

private String getSqrtServerUrl() {
  ServiceInstance serviceInstance = 
  return String.format("http://%s:%d", 
    serviceInstance.getHost(), serviceInstance.getPort());

Deploy SQRT Client

Also on Marathon:

  "id": "sqrt-client",
  "cmd": "",
  "cpus": 1,
  "instances": 1,
  "mem" : 1024,
  "container": {
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "docker": {
      "image": "",
      "network": "HOST"

After a square root has been successfully calculated, the client keeps getting launched. Not what we want, let's undeploy client. Marathon

Keep the inputs coming

We emulate constant stream of inputs with scheduled calls to generate random input.

Chronos framework is cron for the cluster: distributed and fault-tolerant scheduler for Mesos.

Exposes rudimentary UI and rich REST API

Deployed on the demo cluster: Chronos UI

  "name": "random-square-input",
  "schedule": "R50/2015-05-27T19:00:00Z/PT30S",
  "command": "/usr/bin/curl -X POST 
  "epsilon":  "PT15M",
  "owner": ""

Problem: Client scheduling

Marathon will keep restarting client, even after all the work is done.

Chronos will launch client regardless of the work availability.

The alternative is obvious...


Writing your own framework

SDKs available in C++, Python, Java

Communication with master through native library

Implement reactions to:

  • connect / disconnect
  • offers presented / rescinded
  • task status updated (launched, running, failed, finished)

Custom Scheduler

public void resourceOffers(SchedulerDriver schedulerDriver, List<Protos.Offer> list) {
  for (Protos.Offer offer : list) {
    if (checker.hasMore()) { // makes REST call to app to check for available work items
      Protos.ContainerInfo.Builder containerBuilder = Protos.ContainerInfo.newBuilder()

      Protos.TaskInfo task = Protos.TaskInfo.newBuilder()
        .setTaskId(taskId).setName("sqrt-task-" + taskId.getValue())
      schedulerDriver.launchTasks(Collections.singleton(offer.getId()), Collections.singletonList(task), filters);

Deploy custom framework

Custom framework is written as a Spring Boot application

Let's deploy it into the Mesos cluster

Watch clients not being launched when no work is available: Sqrt Server UI


  • isolates the concern of scheduling and executing the payload;
  • is extensible;
  • furthers the commoditization of computing;
  • is a valid candidate for managing your datacenter.

Other popular frameworks

  • Hadoop
  • Spark
  • Elastic Search
  • Jenkins
  • Cassandra
  • ...many others

Containers everywhere

11 pieces of software used in this demo (12 including the presentation).

Only 3 were not run as docker containers:

  • Docker
  • Mesos master
  • Mesos slave

In fact, Mesos master can happily run as a container as well.

Spring Boot

You're punishing yourself if you're not using it

From "Hmmm, wouldn't it be cool..." to "Done, moving on."
Technology Minutes
Run H2 database, configure DataSource, Hibernate, etc. 1
Exposing REST API with JSON (de-) serialization 5
Service registration and discovery with Eureka 20
Streaming live events to the browser with WebSockets 40 (including JavaScript)
Managing Javascript dependencies with WebJars 5

Thank you!